Management of Nuclear Waste in Switzerland.

ISRAM is an information system for the administration and management of radioactive waste and material. It is used in all Swiss nuclear power plants, in the national interim storage Würenlingen (ZWILAG), in the research institute PSI as well as in the national cooperative for the storage of nuclear waste (NAGRA).

Static evaluations of data in ISRAM
Decay calculation in ISRAM
Interactive representation of a storage facility in ISRAM
Radioactive transports in ISRAM


Since radioactive waste incurs in Switzerland coming from power plants, medicine or research fields, this waste is collected, inventoried and strictly monitored. ISRAM manages all data concerning treatment, transport and storage and assures consequently a consistent traceability of the waste.


Transports of radioactive material are subject to the ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road). ISRAM supports the corresponding processes including all balancing and calculations. Furthermore the system creates all requested transport documents automatically.

Data Exchange / Data Warehouse

ISRAM automatizes the data exchange between the individual sites with NAGRA or ZWILAG. NAGRA is using ISRAM as a data warehouse for the simulation of future waste streams. These simulations serve as a basis for the design and construction of the future deep geological repository for radioactive waste in Switzerland.

Analysis and Reporting

Graphics and statistics inform at any time about type, quantity and composition of the radioactive materials. All data in ISRAM can be analyzed statistically. The system creates all necessary documents for the periodical reporting to the federal inspectorate for nuclear security ENSI and the international atomic energy agency IAEA.


AXPO - KKW Beznau
KKW Gösgen
KKW Leibstadt
BKW - KKW Mühleberg
Paul Scherrer Institut

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