Create, save and share JOINT MILITARY SYMBOLOGY


'Easy Symbol' – What is it?

A modern web application to draw tactical graphics and edit military symbols. All generated graphics can be saved in common vector and image formats or shared via URL. 'Easy Symbol' accesses the MSS Web Service (Military Symbol Service) for rendering of common warfighting symbology.

Military Symbol Editor

'Easy Symbol' - What can it do?

‘Easy Symbol' is much more than a unit generator for the addition of modifiers and attributes to 1-point symbols. The modern application allows the creation, storage and share of the entire common warfighting symbology, including tactical graphics (n-point symbols). The following chapters highlight some of the key features:


Start 'Easy Symbol'

Start 'Easy Symbol'

'Easy Symbol' is hosted on The concept of the web application offers the advantage to be able to access 'Easy Symbol‘ from any place with internet access. The difference to a native (local) application should hardly be noticeable. For the use of the application it is recommended to start it directly using
Select Symbol Set

Select Symbol Set

The MSS library supports different symbol standards, which are obtained by the 'Easy Symbol' via the service architecture. At the initial start of the Web application you can choose between the "international" and the "extended" standard. The choice is made by clicking on one of the two flags (see image on the left). The "international" standard corresponds to the definition in MIL-STD-2525C. All areas, such as units, facilities, tactical graphics, METOC,... are supported. In addition to the international base, the "extended" standard also covers the signatures and tactical graphics, exclusively used by the Swiss Armed Forces. The choice of the symbol standard can be changed at any time in the options window of 'Easy Symbol'.
Search Base Symbol

Search Base Symbol

Searching for a symbol is very easy! The search dialog is opened with a click on the Search-Icon in the main window. In the dialog you can search for the desired tactical graphic, unit, equipment, installation ... Additional filters are provided to simplify the search for the desired symbol. This includes to filter by symbol groups and to activate / deactivate "Case Sensitivity" or "Include N-Point Symbols". The symbol search is started by pressing "Return" or by clicking on the "Search Button". The search for extended terms is also supported. For example, you can search for an equipment type (for example, "F/A 18"). The search results are displayed in the right section of the window. In the result list the symbols are displayed together with the symbol name and abbreviation. The results can be optionally filtered. The filter (funnel symbol) is available above the results area.


Edit a Symbol

After 'Easy Symbol' has been started and your first symbol was found, you are ready to edit it. In general, there is a distinction between editing the symbol attributes/symbol modifiers and editing a tactical graphic (drawing). The editing of the attributes and modifiers is defined in detail in the international and national symbology standards. MSS follows these definitions.


Symbol Modifier and Attributes

Symbol Modifier and Attributes

The international and national standards define the available attributes and modifiers for every military symbol. These elements are dynamically loaded in MSS Symbol Editor in the ‘Easy Symbol’. The number and position of the valid symbol modifier and attributes is transferred to the MSS Symbol Editor by the MSS Webservice. This also includes the maximum field length for each modifier. Where can I find this editor? The MSS Symbol Editor opens with a click on the icon in the upper right corner (symbol with staff modifier). For 1-point symbols, all text modifiers around the base symbol are positioned during the initialization of the sub window. For n-point symbols, the modifiers are arranged in a list in the left half of the window. Attributes such as the affiliation or the status can be set or adjusted via the menu above the signature.
Draw N-Point Symbols

Draw N-Point Symbols

Click on the icon in the lower right half of the window (pencil) to open the ‘Point Editor’. The sub window allows editing of symbol reference points. For elements with a single reference point this equals to a move function. However all other elements support a whole range of functions as for example add, move or delete reference points. Standard functions to zoom-in, zoom-out or to center the content are available as well in this window. In other words the 'Easy Symbol – Point Editor' is a drawing and editing tool for tactical graphics. All the changes to the geometry of a symbol are rendered dynamically using the MSS Web Service. The point information of symbols is stored and can be exchanged with a partner. MSS supports the internationally defined geometries for military signatures according to MIL-STD-2525C. Typical types of geometry are: points, areas, lines, corridors, circles, ellipses, sectors, polybeziers,...
MSS Symbol Editor Tabs

MSS Symbol Editor Tabs

The MSS symbol Editor has three active tabs. 'Edit' to customize the modifier and attributes of the base symbol. 'Preview' displays a preview of the symbol together with the symbol name, military abbreviation and the hierarchy. 'About' lists the version of MSS Web Service and MSS Library used together with some details on the MSS Symbol Editor.


Format Options

Depending on the use case military symbols are displayed differently. An example would be the improved visibility of symbols on a map. The MSS symbols follow the international guidelines defined in the symbology standards. But in addition MSS has been optimized based on partner- and user-feedback. All of these adjustments are optional and can be turned off at any time, so that MSS signatures follow the  national and international standards. These settings are controlled by the format options.


'Easy Symbol' Settings

'Easy Symbol' Settings

The 'Options Window' can be opened by a click on the options icon in the main window's footer bar. The window is divided into the three sections ‘General’, 'Symbol Format' and 'Export Format'. In the 'General' section you can choose which Symbol Set to work with. The application language can also be selected. The application as well as MSS currently supports the languages English, German, French and limited Italian. In addition, it is possible to select the 'Display Image Format' used in the main window of the application (vector or pixel format). The ‘Symbol Format’ area is used to adjust the different format options of military symbols and tactical graphics. This includes parameters like ‘Line Width’ or the ‘Label Distribution’. The button 'Reset Symbol Format' sets all the format options back to default. The 'Export Format' section defines the resolution and format applied if a symbol is stored.
Hints in MSS Symbol Editor

Hints in MSS Symbol Editor

Each modifier and each attribute in the 'MSS Symbol Editor' has a hint text. This text as well as its position is retrieved dynamically (via MSS Web Service). The hint text shall facilitate the use of the editor. It shall guide the user of the application, since only the position and definition of the most frequently used modifiers and attributes are known.


Save and Share

Symbols and tactical graphics are used for a wide range of military products. This can range from creating a simple ORBAT to the exchange of military map layer containing the operational picture. The following two functions facilitate the exchange and use of the signatures created with the 'Easy Symbol':


Share via Link
Share via Link: This function allows the efficient exchange of symbols or tactical graphics. Clicking on the icon shown on the right will save the symbol, including the format options, as a link to the local clipboard. This link can then be sent.
Save as Picture
Save as Picture: With a click on the icon shown on the left, the current symbol or tactical graphic is saved as an image. The image format and resolution can be adjusted in the option window of the 'Easy Symbol'. It supports the image formats: BMP, JPEG, PNG, ICO as well as the vector formats: SVG, EMF and XAML.

Feedback and Ideas

Every application grows thanks to its users. We are looking forward to your feedback! Do not hesitate and contact us with your ideas or comments.


Do you want to be informed about updates and new 'Easy Symbol' versions? No problem, send us a request via email and we will keep you informed.

Info and News

In MSS News we regularly report on current work in the field of Military Symbol Service. It's worth to visit!

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