gs-soft develops information systems for hospitals

Information Systems for Hospitals

gs-soft developed information systems for vascular surgery and cardiology of the Kantonsspital Aarau.

Wingraft manages all the important data of a hospitals vascular surgery department. It contains all patient data with hospitalizations, interventions, check-ups, risk factors etc. The maintenance of central data in catalogs enables a standardized and efficient maintenance of the patients data. All data can be filtered and analyzed. A life table analysis for example examines the executed bypass operations.

Winpacer records data on patients with heart pacemakers. It maintains all data of a patient with his operations, health checks as well as the used implant (pacemaker, ICD or ICD/CRT). The system provides the automatic generation and printing of documents such as notifications for check-ups, control lists, pacemaker passports etc. Statistics inform about the activities of a cardiology department within the defined year.


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  • gs-soft AG

    Delfterstrasse 10

    CH-5000 Aarau


    +41 62 832 20 40
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